We recently wrote a post about visiting the world’s largest concrete gnome in Ames, Iowa. Well today, we received a news alert about the world’s largest gnome on Vancouver Island.
Wow…”world’s largest” is such a sought-after title, eh?
Take a gander at this Vancouver Sun video about the Canadian giant and see what you think.
I guess the bloke’s name is Nanoose Esso and Guinness Book of World’s Records supports him. What a weird ass name.
According to a Metro News article, Nanoose stands 25 feet 11 inches tall. The gnome was built in 1998 by Ron Hale as a mascot for the go cart track he ran on the property. Now it’s a gas station. Nanoose must be really high from all those fumes by now…
Hale built the frame out of scrap metal in his garage, empty bottles, styrofoam, ice cream containers and paper making products from the nearby mill. A junk gnome…what a novel idea!
Looks like we’re heading up north for a visit!
ChumbawambaIGetKnockedDown the Gnome/Turtle
Photo credit: Metro/Handout/Gerry Ilott