The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

Brewing Up Some Tasty Goodness


Think there’s enough amazing gnome-themed beers out there?


Not a chance!

From time to time (okay fine….MOST of the time) we turn The Gnome Abode into a brewery and make our very own special brews. Here’s what is in the works:

  1. Chocolate Milk Stout – Drinkable 2/21/13
  2. Maple Nut Ale – Drinkable on 3/8/13
  3. Cherry Wheat Ale – Drinkable 4/28/13
  4. Belgian Tripel – Drinkable 5/2/13


Brewing is a tough gig. It takes a lot of precise measurements and careful sanitation….both of which are difficult to maintain when drunk. But if they aren’t maintained, the beer will taste like crap! Life is rough, man.

To solve this age-old problem, we have decided to take shifts. Each brewer gnome has taken a vow of periodic sobriety and promised to not be drunk for two hours each day. This may not sound like much to you, but to drunk gnomes….it feels like an eternity. I’m on my two hour sobriety shift right now. I’ve checked all the buckets already so killing time on the blog and whatnot.

Whoop look at the time…..shift’s almost over so I gotta run. We look forward to sharing our brews with you in the months ahead!

Leonardo, Head Gnome Brewer


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About Leonardo

I am the alcoholic that puts all other alcoholics to shame. I will be providing a good number of brew reviews….well at least until this crazy Administrator/Master/Goddess lady gives us a budget to start hiring staff.

If you can’t find me here, I’m probably in a gutter somewhere. It’s not like I have anything else do to.

PS – I tend to have a steady stash of mushrooms in my back pocket…..I’m not sayin’, I’m just sayin’.

Chug a lug,



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