The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

All About Tacoma-based Gnome Sculptors, Art of Stone

The husband-wife team, Tammy and Shawn Christensen, have been making all sorts of gnomish headlines lately with their sculpting business, Art of Stone.

Shawn Christensen in his manufacturing facility where he, wife Tammy, and a crew produce concrete sculptures, concentrating on the seasonally popular gnomes at the moment. — MCT

Shawn Christensen in his manufacturing facility where he, wife Tammy, and a crew produce concrete sculptures, concentrating on the seasonally popular gnomes at the moment. — MCT

Randomly enough, the couple doesn’t make just gnomes, but they also throw gargoyles, VW Beetles, and warty toads into the mix. They make the lil’ buggas all from scratch, which means a whole bunch of mixing, hauling, molding, staining, and painting. But all that hard work is paying off.

The Christensens got a temporary retail store in Tacoma, and say the most challenging part of gnome-making is ensuring that the pointy hats don’t tilt too much to one side.

Their house was converted into a gnome (and other inferior creatures) workshop, where even concrete hippos, frogs, and Buddhas have been spotted.

Some of the couple’s gnomes are picking their noses and sticking out their tongues. Nose pickers are the most popular of all. And rightfully so.

So what’s next for the Christensen gnomes? “I want to do a lady that’s actually a tree, with a stump for her base and branches for her arms,” says Tammy.

Right on, guys…right on.

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About Lennon

Make soil, not dirt. Make flowers, not weeds. Make weed, not ditch weed.

My fans always ask me how I put up with that arrogant bastard, McCartney. My answer to them is that every day is an gift to be experienced and to learn from. The more uptight he gets, the defiant I get. The more bossy he gets, the more rebellious I get. He and I have a dynamic that I’m only beginning to understand. I need to go meditate on that for a few hours.

Oh yeah and there’s the other guys too. They’re cool.

I love playing the trumpet because I feel that using my lips so much every day will make me the greatest kisser of all time. Gnomes never thought that trumpets could play reggae, but I have shown them they’re wrong.

I love you all and hope all you fans come to our first show on April 1st! I am not opposed to signing bras, boobs, and any other lady parts that might be flashed at me.

Harmony of the whales,

Lennon The Gnome

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