The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

All Hail the Gnome Ranger!

“The tale of how seven gnomes came to live at Wolverley’s Bodenham Arboretum has been made into a book to raise funds for Children in Need.
The BodenGnomes, written by Davy Turner, the BodenGnome Ranger, will be launched at the arboretum on Easter Monday – April 1 – and will be on sale throughout this year’s BodenGnome Gnome Hunt.
RangerMr Turner, 59, who works at the arboretum, said: “The book is an original history of where they came from, how they came to the arboretum and why they are called the BodenGnomes.

It will be the third year the gnome hunt has been held at the arboretum in Wolverley. Visitors are given clues to the location of the woodland creatures, each of which carries a letter that, together, spell the name of a place.

Mr Turner added: “It just kicked off as a Children in Need thing but families loved them. About 250 people did the hunt last year.”
A percentage of sales of the book, which contains photographs taken around the arboretum, will be donated to Children in Need.

If it proves successful, Mr Turner plans to write other stories of the BodenGnomes’ adventures.
The hunt itself does not restart until the summer but some of the gnomes will be at the book launch.
Mr. Turner added: “There will be a couple of gnomes hiding that day. I’ll be there as the Gnome Ranger too.”


***We never thought we really needed to be “ranged,” but Turner sounds like an alright dude. RANGE AWAY!

Leonardo The Gnome

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About Leonardo

I am the alcoholic that puts all other alcoholics to shame. I will be providing a good number of brew reviews….well at least until this crazy Administrator/Master/Goddess lady gives us a budget to start hiring staff.

If you can’t find me here, I’m probably in a gutter somewhere. It’s not like I have anything else do to.

PS – I tend to have a steady stash of mushrooms in my back pocket…..I’m not sayin’, I’m just sayin’.

Chug a lug,



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