The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

Getting Gnome-napped? Just Scream!


Apparently, gnome-nappers (i.e. thieves of gnomes) become frightened when you scream at them.

According to today’s Press and Guide article, a white dude in his 50s with shoulder-length, strawberry blonde hair recently attempted a gnome-napping. As he was shoving the poor, defenseless gnomes into a crappy Ford Fusion, a kindhearted neighbor yelled at him to stop.

Thank you, kindhearted neighbor!


The thief dropped the gnome and sped away. The condition of the nearly-stolen gnomes is yet to be reported. All we can do is pray for a quick mental and physical recovery at this point.

What’s the moral of the story?

YELL MORE! Yell loudly! Constantly! All of you!

Especially if you live in Dearborn, Michigan.

Stay safe out there, gnomies. People want us and we must stand our guard.

Yours in screaming,
Leonardo the Gnome

photo credit: pclouse 

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About Leonardo

I am the alcoholic that puts all other alcoholics to shame. I will be providing a good number of brew reviews….well at least until this crazy Administrator/Master/Goddess lady gives us a budget to start hiring staff.

If you can’t find me here, I’m probably in a gutter somewhere. It’s not like I have anything else do to.

PS – I tend to have a steady stash of mushrooms in my back pocket…..I’m not sayin’, I’m just sayin’.

Chug a lug,



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