The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

Parental Gnome Scout Sighting in Strasburg, Illinois!

Our master and goddess of all gnomekind, Gnomeplaya, has even gotten her human parental units interested in our culture! No joke! What amazing influence she has upon us, our society, and everyone everywhere!

With no provocation whatsoever, Female Parental Unit and Male Parental Unit journeyed to the small town of Strasburg, Illinois. This middle-of-nowhere location was rumored to be a “gnome-themed town” with more than 500 of the mystical garden creatures living in gardens around the village’s businesses and houses.

According to an official report filed by Female Parental Unit and Male Parental Unit:

We remembered an article that we’d read a couple of years ago in the Champaign News-Gazette about Strasburg (about 45-50 minutes south of Arthur) having lots of gnomes.  So–today we went to Strasburg to check out the gnomes.  There really weren’t many.  We were disappointed.  But–I took some photos of the few they had and will try to send them to you.  They had 2 painted gnomes on buildings–one on a concession stand at the ballpark and at the bank.  There were 2 statues at the sign coming into town and one in front of the Community Bldg.

They were disappointed?!? Aw shucks. Sounds like we all need to pitch in and beef up Strasburg’s reputation! A call to ceramic arms!

What other gnomie homies are down for a restoration road trip this weekend? Hit up my cell!

Oh yeah, and Happy Friday Gnomies!

Leonardo The Gnome

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About Leonardo

I am the alcoholic that puts all other alcoholics to shame. I will be providing a good number of brew reviews….well at least until this crazy Administrator/Master/Goddess lady gives us a budget to start hiring staff.

If you can’t find me here, I’m probably in a gutter somewhere. It’s not like I have anything else do to.

PS – I tend to have a steady stash of mushrooms in my back pocket…..I’m not sayin’, I’m just sayin’.

Chug a lug,



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