Gnomes Headed to Costa Rica!!!!!!!!!!!


G’day mateys!

280px-ArenallongYour resident travel gnome, Zookwinkle, here. I am pleased to inform you that I ONCE AGAIN have been invited on a journey! But this isn’t just any journey….this is a tropical and magical journey of magnificent proportions!

San_JoseBelieve it or not, I am currently on a flight to Costa Rica! We gnomes recently figured out how to schedule advance blog posts. Aint’ we smart?

My first stop is San Jose, where I will wander around the city trying to speak Spanish and find someplace to sleep and something alcoholic to drink. From there, I plan to grab a bus (gnomes aren’t allowed to rent cars internationally) to the Arenal Volcano area and La Fortuna. My first zip lining adventure is just days away! I also expect to see a good amount of monkeys and potentially bring one back home.

beachWith my new adopted monkey, I will then board another bus to the western coastline for some much-needed beach time. Have you seen how pasty my skin is lately? Don’t worry, my SPF 180 is packed and ready for action!

I fully intend to soak in some hot springs, hike the through the jungles, and be drunk the entire way.

Zip 1If any of you Costa Rican gnomes are reading this, HOLA! Me llamo Zookwinkle! Let me stay-o in your house-o for free-o?

My sources tell me that the South American interweb connections are sketchy for traveling gnomes like me, but I’ll send updates as much as gnomishly possible!

Have fun freezing your asses off suckas! I’m bound for 95-degrees and sunshine!

Zookwinkle the Travel Gnome

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About Zookwinkle


My name Zookwinkle, and although I am most certainly a gnome, I sometimes mistaken for a leprechaun. Okay fine, so my skin tone is kind of green….it’s a medical condition and I’m seeking dermatology treatment SO LAY OFF! I am a true romantic at heart and love to give flowers and kisses to lady gnomes on the rare occasion I actually see one. And on the even rarer occasion that I get laid.

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