The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

Gnot the Proper Gnomenclature: A Big Ass Gnome in Vegas!

So I’m doing some late night packing for my upcoming trip to Zion National Park and     Las Vegas this weekend. I’m planning to do two days of canyoneering, camp out for a couple nights, and get strangers to capture amazing photos of me in beautiful locations like this:

After conquering every canyon known to gnomekind, I plan to top off my journey with some drunk time by the pool and throwing away my life’s earnings at the blackjack tables.

As with all of my journeys, I seek out famous gnome to visit and use my networking skills to make best friends with them.  Las Vegas artist, Jesse Smigel, has assisted a nine-foot gnome with setting up his home behind an empty arts factory! Jesse’s work of art (a.k.a. huge nameless gnome’s new residence) is called “Gnot the Proper Gnomenclature”.

Gnot bad, if I do say so myself. Check it out!

“I’m hoping people will see it from afar and say, ‘Is that a goddamn garden gnome?’” Smigel says.

Now THIS is a gnome I have GOT to meet! I have submitted an appointment request with him for Sunday afternoon and am anxiously awaiting my confirmation email.

To be continued….

Sheldon the Gnome

This entry was posted in Gnome Art, World Traveler Gnomes by Sheldon. Bookmark the permalink.

About Sheldon

I am by far the most adventurous gnome of the bunch. Look at my adventure satchel and gaze into the distance, for godssake!

You may recall reading about my recent tropical excursion with manatees in the Homosassa River. I’m the lead travel/adventure bloggers and am looking forward to revealing all the gnomish details about upcoming trips to California, Utah, and Las Vegas. I has been a driving motivation for Master/Goddess of All Gnomekind, to enroll in a travel writing program at Matador U to join me in documenting all of our gnomish travels around the world.

3 thoughts on “Gnot the Proper Gnomenclature: A Big Ass Gnome in Vegas!

    • Hey Jesse!

      No, unfortunately we have yet to cross paths! How is the Vegas gnome doing? What’s he up to these days? Does he have any brothers or cousins lurking around in other places? Right now me and a couple of the other gnomies are sitting a Wyoming campground staring at Devil’s Tower and waiting for the rain to let up. Sigh. Hope to hear from you soon!

      Sheldon The Gnome

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