The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

Lose Yo’ Weight: Run a Garden Gnome 5K in Oregon!

Not that springtime is well under way, we gnomes need to start losing the lbs.

gnome raceAccording to some weird Oregon newspaper, there’s a 5K that’s made especially for our chubby ceramic legs. And it’s May 5th!

“If you are into both running and sustainability, make sure you get registered for the inaugural Garden Gnome Run, a 10k, 5k, and 1k event held on Sunday, May 5, that supports Benton County youth and sustainable, local food,” Matt Rasmussen writes. “The course itself, while still waiting for a visual map, is described as paved and flat. It will follow the bike path and head through SW Corvallis and Avery and Starker Arts parks. All entrants receive a tomato plant for their garden and a short sleeve tech shirt. ”

tomatoA tomato plant!? SIGN US UP!

Support the CSC Youth Garden, sign up, and get less disgusting!

Your wannabe fitness instructor,
Horace The Gnome

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About Horace

I’m that gnome who always thinks the lawn is greener on the other side. Sure, I’e practically had life handed to me on a silver mushroom, but still I feel that he is missing out on something great that I should be. My destiny is not being fulfilled within the confines of this spirit that I cannot accept as my own. I recently lost 0.04 ounces since I set his New Year resolution. I’m trying to stay motivated to work out and stop being a Fatty MaGoo. Recently I’ve has taken up rock climbing. Stay tuned…

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