The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

Cobargo Gnomes Get Their Own Field Guide!

We literate gnomes just came across “A Field Guide to Cobargo Gnomes.” Wow this town has enough of us to warrant  a FIELD GUIDE?!

Shared from Australia’s Bega District News – –

COBARGO“CHILDREN’S illustrator Naomi Lewis’s new book with its little subjects is proving a big hit.

A Field Guide to Cobargo Gnomes (and other local wee critters) was launched recently and already Ms Lewis said she is considering a second print run.

“I’m running out of copies already – I’m really pleased everyone likes it,” she said.

Gnomes have become a popular curiousity in Cobargo, ever since they joined the world-wide Occupy movement in 2011.

The collection of protestors remain on “Gnome-man’s Land” – the vacant block of land in the town’s main street.

“They come and go – people add to them all the time,” Ms Lewis said.

Meanwhile, Ms Lewis said “maturity and common sense seem to have failed me despite advancing years” and from her bush block at Yowrie she continues to seek out, research and document the wee folk and mythical creatures of the local area.

“It’s just a lot of fun,” she said.

“I’ve always been interested in myths and folklore.

“Some years ago I had an exhibition of my illustrations of mythical creatures and I created stories to go with each one.”

Those quirky creations and their individual stories have been collected in A Field Guide to Cobargo Gnomes.

The book is proving popular, but if you’re lucky you may spot a copy at Well Thumbed Books and the Lazy Lizard Gallery in Cobargo, and Candelo Books in Bega.

An exhibition of Ms Lewis’s Cobargo Gnomes illustrations is on display at Lazy Lizard Gallery until the end of January.”

If you happen to be wandering around New South Wales in the next couple weeks, check out her Facebook page for directions to the exhibit. Sigh….wish I could make it!

The Quick Brown Fox the gnome

One thought on “Cobargo Gnomes Get Their Own Field Guide!

  1. I purchased “A field guide to Cobargo Gnomes and other local wee critters by Naomi Lewis. It’s beautifully illustrated and will be handed down to my great grand children one day.

    Well done Naomi

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