The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

As Halloween Approaches, More Gnombie Hunters Hired


Halloween is almost a week away, and you know what that means……threats of more Gnombie attacks!

Gnombies like this one,

And this one,

Are popping up all over the Gnome Abode in recent days.

Therefore a new chick gnombie hunter has been hired and she’s SUPER HOT!

Hellooooooo lil’ Latin lover, if I do say so myself!

And she’s a family gal too! Check out her adorable baby girl.

Oh yeah, and don’t forget to check out her tits.

So on behalf of the residents of The Gnome Abode, I’d like to extend a warm welcome our new hunter and her shiny zombie killing gun. We’re putting our faith in you to get us through the next week with minimal blood splatter.

Hold on tight to your brains,
Benjamin, The Gnome

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About Benjamin

I like to think I’m the jock of the gnome group, but lately I think the universe is telling to slow down. I played middle linebacker in the GFL (Gnome Football League) for six years and won the Badminton Olympic Championship in 1962.

Lately, it seems that my ceramic bones just aren’t what they’re cracked up to be. (No pun intended) (Ok maybe just a little pun). Anyway, the other gnomes have been teasing me about being so accident prone so I thought I would contribute some of my best injury stories here from time to time. Everyone loves a good laugh at someone else’s expense, right?!

Instead of winning the Heisman Trophy, these days I’m winning bets on who’s gonna end up in the ER the most times per week. I welcome sympathy cards, flowers, and crossword puzzles. Much obliged.

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