The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

Happy 1-year Anniversary to The Drunk Gnome!

gnomeiversaryFebruary 29, 2012 was a boring, hungover day in Chicago. We gnomes were celebrating Leap Day and tossing bottles of champagne around. No one knows exactly who suggested it first, but the idea of a “gnome blog” came up.

A few shots and incidents of porcelain kissing later, was born!

And it has been a great first year for us drunk gnomes! 262 blog posts and 112 Facebook likes later, we feel like our thoughts and concerns are finally being heard. There was talk of having a 1-year anniversary party, but there is one teensy little problem…


Leap day, goddamnit! Does this mean we can’t celebrate our 1-year anniversary until 2016?!

anniv2GAH! Somebody DO something! Somebody throw us a party anyway! Either today or tomorrow will do! We’ll wait (somewhat) patiently for your invite.

Celebrations aside, thanks so much for stalking us on the Interweb and entertaining our awesomeness for the past year. 2013 is going to be even more amazing, so you’ll definitely want to keep up with our shenanigans on Facebook and Twitter.

Slobbery smooches on your ankles and cankles,
All of the gnomes at The Drunk Gnome

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