The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

Preemptively shopping for wedding china!

I’m going shopping for my wedding china tonight!

Did I suddenly get married, you ask? No, but….

Did I at least get engaged, you ask? Well, not exactly, but….

It never hurts to be over-prepared! Jerry is sure to come around any day now. I can just feel it!

Every gnome kingdom queen needs a proper set of china to serve from. Reception seating arrangements start tomorrow!

Tabitha The Gnome

P.S. – Jerry, if you’re reading this – any day now…..any day.

This entry was posted in Intoxicated Gnomish Escapades and Ramblings by Tabitha. Bookmark the permalink.

About Tabitha

I was presented with an opportunity, I seized it, and here I am in this so called “Gnome Abode”. Last weekend, I hesitantly vacated my extravagant mansion with an ocean view in California with one mission: To manipulate the King of the Gnomes into making me his wife so I can rule the gnome world and beyond.

I’ve heard rumors that he’s a pushover. I’ve also heard that the only other female gnome here is a total  skank.

Allow me to introduce myself…I am Tabitha and you will soon be worshiping me as your Queen as I rise in the ranks of high gnome society.

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