The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

Rabies Rhymes With Babies. Coincidence?

Check out the cool new “surf blue” Jeep on our blog’s cover page! That dastardly photo documenting St. Bastille Day’s brief reign over The Gnome Abode has been removed and tossed into a fire pit I made in the living room.

Gnomes love Jeeps! Especially this one!

Kamikaze has the best driving skills out of all of us, so he usually takes us out to do our errands. The broom he holds helps to push the petal thingies.

Now that we have successfully defeated that evil (and way horny) lizard St. Bastille Day, we don’t expect him to be taking up our well-deserved Jeep privileges as much anymore.

And according to a Jeep dealership in Vancouver, Jeeps are incredibly gnome-safe!

 You won’t accidentally “kill” garden gnomes with a Jeep
One conspicuous fault that all SUVs and light trucks share in common is the interminable presence of a “blind spot” at the back of the vehicle. Even when all three rear view mirrors are facing squarely at the middle portion of the rear, it’s still impossible to gauge if you’re not in danger of running over something (i.e. the aforementioned garden gnome) or someone (i.e. your cat). Thankfully, folks like the Vancouver Jeep dealers are only too aware of this problem. The solution? Make the mirrors wide enough to accommodate the view, and just to make sure, early collision detectors like the compass, auto dimmer, and thermometer are all prerequisite safety features of a Jeep that will help you ensure that no gnome will die in vain.


Peep sqiddily doo!

X’mores The Gnome

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