The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

Twenty Things Gnomes Are Thankful For!

  1. Beer
  2. Liquor
  3. Having our own blog
  4. Gnome artists and craft makers
  5. The International Gnome Club Newsletter
  6. Pointy hat storage containers
  7. Our own passports
  8. Breweries
  9. Our faithful gnome scouts
  10. Epoxy and super glue to fix us when we are injured
  11. Beard combs
  12. Step stools
  13. Monkey companions
  14. Joining outdoor adventures
  15. Rock concerts
  16. Wine
  17. Hand lotion
  18. Eggplant
  19. Facebook stalkers
  20. Beer

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