The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

UPDATE! – Scandalous Past of Tabitha The Gnome…REVEALED!

That bastard of a lizard might be an alright guy after all!

St. Bastille Day contacted me after reading my earlier post and advised that he had supplemental material for my investigation. He blathered on about wanting to destroy all gnomekind…blah blah blah…but then he got to the good part.

Apparently both he AND Zookwinkle knew Tabitha before she moved to the Gnome Abode! Who would have guessed! I don’t understand the history between the three of them, but that mystery will have to be solved another today.

Because today, we have THIS!

Look at her head. Look at her body. They are so far away from each other!

Proof! Proof is mine! All mine! Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…..

Signing off,
The Book of Genesis The Gnome

P.S. – Jerry, hey man, I’m still waiting for your call. What gives?

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