Halloween Hangover, Gnome Edition (OMG IT’S DAY OF THE DEAD!)

Most of us are just waking up now from our Halloween outings, and most of us are still in costumes. There are few more entertaining sights in the world than a bunch of gnomes doing walks of shame in torn and stained costumes.

Here’s just a sampling of what I found on my camera when I woke up this afternoon:

1 2 3 4

You fill in the blanks.

What’s that, Humps…what? Today is another holiday? It’s the Day of the Dead! OMG why are we not throwing a party yet. Somebody! Get me some skeletons!

Your last minute party planner,
Roxy the Gnome

This entry was posted in Secrets of a Slutty Girl Gnome by Roxy. Bookmark the permalink.

About Roxy

So whaddya think of my tits? C’mon. I’m the only girl gnome in this whole bunch. How could I NOT be a slut? I would certainly welcome other gnome girlfriends but I yet to find a single one. If you see one hookin’ a street corner, send her my way, eh? I stay out too late, I drink too much, and I find myself in sketchy situations on a daily basis. But you’ll love the stories that come out of it, cross my tits. 




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