The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

Sheldon’s Photo Blog of Yosemite, Gnome Homes, and San Francisco

I have finally (and reluctantly) returned back to The Gnome Abode from my amazing trip to California. I could see myself taking up residence in another gnome village out there someday. But alas, I have some loose ends to tie up back on the home front first.

I never leave home without my travel journal. However, writing gets to be a pain in the ass. Therefore, I just had strangers take pictures at various points along my journey!

Strangers love taking pictures of gnomes! We’re so photogenic! Well except that one guy who threatened to behead my brother. I don’t want talk about it.

Airplanes are awesome!

Do you know why airplanes are awesome? Because you can get drunk on them! Hellooooo, Jack Daniels and Diet Coke! Pour me another, Miss (I wish you were hot) Flight Attendant!

Look at how far I freaking hiked! This is on path of the Upper Yosemite Falls Trail. Sometimes we all need to get lost in the mountains to feel how small we really are in this world.

I visited one of my very best friends in Auburn, Liz, owner of Gnome Habitat USA!

There were thousands upon thousands of gnomes here. It was so overwhelming. I was invited to afternoon tea in this little cottage on the outskirts of the habitat.

Then I visited one of my other best friends in Santa Rosa, Jean, owner of Gnome Man’s Land!

Most of the time I was there, Jean was trying to convince her gnomes that it really was springtime and they should go out in the yard and get to work. It was only about 50 degrees that day, so I can’t say I really blame them. I had  a lovely stopped by this tree house for a smoke break with some of the nearby residents.

Then I headed back to San Francisco for some beach time. It was chilly, but the sunsets were gorgeous. I think I look quite stunning in this light, don’t you? Perhaps this will be my next profile pic.

On my last day in Cali, I enjoyed a relaxing hike around the San Francisco Bay. Those rocks out in the water looked so climb-able and I was tempted to go for a swim. But then I recalled a recent Dateline NBC episode that featured the Top Ten Gnome Deaths of the Modern World. Three of the top ten were due to drowning. Better safe than sorry, as Grandgnomma always used to say.

Signing off until my next adventure,

Sheldon The Gnome


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About Sheldon

I am by far the most adventurous gnome of the bunch. Look at my adventure satchel and gaze into the distance, for godssake!

You may recall reading about my recent tropical excursion with manatees in the Homosassa River. I’m the lead travel/adventure bloggers and am looking forward to revealing all the gnomish details about upcoming trips to California, Utah, and Las Vegas. I has been a driving motivation for Master/Goddess of All Gnomekind, to enroll in a travel writing program at Matador U to join me in documenting all of our gnomish travels around the world.

4 thoughts on “Sheldon’s Photo Blog of Yosemite, Gnome Homes, and San Francisco


    in California

    ok, so not last summer, just last month.

    I was going for dramatic effect, so just lay off, OK?!


    dun dun dun…

    • I will not lay off, Mysterious Secret Creepy Dude. I refuse.

      And of course you know what Sheldon did in California last month. He just blogged about it. Duh. Dur dur dur.

  2. We had a great time seeing you Sheldon! You are the Gnome!
    Come back and visit us again!
    Liz and the Gnomes at Gnome Habitat USA

    • Oh Sheldon will most certainly be back to visit. He still won’t stop talking about what a great time he had.

      However, I’m sure he will have quite a few other gnomes trying to tag along with him after seeing all of those amazing pictures!!!

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