The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

Wanna learn a foreign language?


Stuck in a rut talking in English all the time? Baffled at how to tackle the daunting task of speaking something else? Not sure where to begin?

Why not start by learning the word “gnome” in every language?! Gotta start somewhere, right? And what could be more useful?

Names for Gnomes in Various Languages





Dutch ………………………………………………………Kabouter

German …………………………………………Heinzelmannchen

Norwegian…………………………….. Tomte or Nisse

Swedish ………………………….Tomtenisse or Nisse

Danish ………………………………………………………….Nisse

Polish……………………………………….. Gnom

Finnish………………………………………………. Tonttu

Russian …………………….Domovoi Djedoesjka

Serbo …………………………………………………………..Kepec


Bulgarian………………………………………….. Djudje

Czechoslovakian…………………………….. Skritek

Hungarian……………………………………… Mano

I have reached enlightenment because I can say “gnome” in 27 languages.” ~ Paula Abdul

Your friendly neighborhood gnome librarian,
The Quick Brown Fox, The Gnome

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