The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

Gnomes Still Patiently Waiting For World to End


Okay, so perhaps last night’s blog post was NOT our last. And okay fine, we all seem to be alive here at The Gnome Abode.

However, we gnomes are fully convinced that today is the last of all days. The Mayans had gnomes. There’s archaeological evidence to prove it. I don’t have it with me at this exact moment, but it’s gotta be lying around here somewhere.

So in the meantime, we sit…

And we wait….

With our creature friends….

Going about our normal daily activities.





Anytime now, world…..c’mon bring it!!!!

Possibly the last post of all time,
Doors Open on the Left at Clark and Lake, The Gnome


This entry was posted in Intoxicated Gnomish Escapades and Ramblings by DoorsOpenOnTheLeftAtClarkAndLake. Bookmark the permalink.

About DoorsOpenOnTheLeftAtClarkAndLake

Greetings, fellow gnomelings!

I’m Horace’s younger brother from the city! Much like my brother, I love nature. However, I was kidnapped and brainwashed by an evil troll last February. I was living in a subway tunnel at the intersection of Clark and Lake, where doors open on the left.

Since my memory was wiped clean, the words of the train conductor are the only real truths that I can recall. Using my trusty shovel, I dug my way through the subway tunnel and after six months, I have been reunited with my brother at The Gnome Abode.

Hi new friends!

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