The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

Street Artists in Napa Valley Set the Stage for Lamignomes


Gnomes just keep popping in California. Not even Napa Valley is safe!

napagnomeAccording to an article today in the Napa Valley Register, paintings of gnomes and mushrooms are springing up all over wine country. The 4×5 inch wooden paintings attached to trees and utility poles are wonderfully reminiscent of the recent gnome sightings in Oakland, California.

It seems the gnomes are making their way throughout the state!

Some of these new Napa gnomes are even wearing kilts. Now, I’m not so sure about that. None of us have ever worn a kilt. I don’t even know any Scottish gnomes. Someone, please explain this kilt-wearing to me.

If you’re in the Napa area, check for these newbies on Imola and Jefferson streets. It seems that the utility companies aren’t even gonna try to mess with these Napa gnomes. Hooray! They’re safe!

Things brings me to my next point…Lamignomes. Have you ever seen a laminated gnome on a Popsicle stick in a weird location. Well if you haven’t, you probably will soon enough.

laminatingRumor has it that TheDrunkGnome is in collaboration with, which is a delightful work in progress. Although these allegations are unconfirmed, stay tuned for updates about laminated gnomes, where they’re hiding, and how to keep track of them.

All in all, we are really loving all of the gnome artists that keep making news around the country. Keep up the good work!

Horace the Gnome

Photo Credit: J.L. Sousa via Napa Valley Register/Tom Borowski via Flickr

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About Horace

I’m that gnome who always thinks the lawn is greener on the other side. Sure, I’e practically had life handed to me on a silver mushroom, but still I feel that he is missing out on something great that I should be. My destiny is not being fulfilled within the confines of this spirit that I cannot accept as my own. I recently lost 0.04 ounces since I set his New Year resolution. I’m trying to stay motivated to work out and stop being a Fatty MaGoo. Recently I’ve has taken up rock climbing. Stay tuned…

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