NOW HIRING GNOME SCOUTS!!! (*compensation commensurate with experience*)

Dear Applicants,

Hypothetically speaking, let’s just say that you spot a gnome in a yard, or on the interweb, or in a store, or working out on the treadmill next to you. Well THIS is the place for you to share all of your gnome sightings!

The first Professional Gnome Scout that we have hired is a lovely young lady who goes by the name “Hurricane”. She spotted this collection of mini gnomes at the Walgreens on the corner of Washington & Michigan for $1.99 each. What a bargain! I knew the illegal gnome trade cartel was going through some economic difficulties, but gee whiz. In some gnome cultures, “miniature” gnomes are considered a rare delicacy and are bought and sold out in trailer parks for at least double that amount.

To be considered for one of our Gnome Scout positions (which are quickly filling up) please post one sentence explaining why you would be a good Gnome Scout and a head-shot on our Facebook page, The Drunk Gnome.

Happy trails,

Zookwinkle The Gnome


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About Zookwinkle


My name Zookwinkle, and although I am most certainly a gnome, I sometimes mistaken for a leprechaun. Okay fine, so my skin tone is kind of green….it’s a medical condition and I’m seeking dermatology treatment SO LAY OFF! I am a true romantic at heart and love to give flowers and kisses to lady gnomes on the rare occasion I actually see one. And on the even rarer occasion that I get laid.

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