The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

Gnomes Are Causing a Ruckus Over in Italy!

According to the Lincolnshire Echo, the residents of a small Italian town called Pontremoli recently became intrigued by the exhibition called ‘Ladri di Gnomi Attaccano Woodhall Spa’. This translates to ‘Gnome Thieves Attack Woodhall Spa’, featuring the work of Mr. Colin Reiners.


Reiners is a lecturer at Lincoln University and a resident of Woodhall Spa. This guy took a bunch of observational photos over the years. And he knew what he was doing. You see, he was a worked as a professor of photography in Florence in the late 70s.

According to the University of Lincoln, “The Woodhall Spa exhibition explores the potential of photography to document social anthropology with a visual irony, and asks art-lovers to understand that objects and realities can appear different when photographed. Colin’s prints are presented in a large format without titles or narrative, to offer an alternative to the usual experience of viewing photographs on a screen, or in much smaller print.”

We’re a little unclear about exactly WHO the gnome thieves are or what their motives were/are. Apparently, the riddle of the missing gnomes still remains a mystery. I suppose we’ll have to take a trip to Italy now to see these photographs for ourselves.

Who’s up for some gelato?!

Humps the wannabe Italian Gnome

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