The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

Take MEEEEEE to Costa Rica!


costa-rica-hotelThere’s been a buzz around The Gnome Abode. A trip to Costa Rice is in the works!

Who the hell am I, you ask? First of all, watch your *&@$*@& language. Second of all, I’m Spechelle…..a special kind of Michelle.

I don’t do this blog much and you probably haven’t seen much of me around. Sucks for you. But I thought this was a good enough reason. So listen up foo’s….this here’s my petition to tag along on this Costa Rica trip. And here’s why.

I can climb trees. Even though I’m not a dude. And even though I’m not white.


I’m small and won’t take up much room. No shorty jokes allowed.

I’m already tan so I won’t burn in the sun.

I can totally get along with creatures, especially monkeys….which I hear there are plenty of in C.R.


Besides, ya’ll need my planning skills for this trip too. It’s like two weeks away and your dumb asses don’t even have hotel or activity reservations. There’s chatter about potential zip lining, eco guide tours, caving, canyoneering, and hot springs. But ya need to pull it together or those tropical natives are gonna eat you alive.

Did I mention I can climb trees?


I don’t see any other gnomes’ petitions floating around yet, so I should get bonus consideration just for blazing the trail.

Text me, take me, I’m yours….
Spechelle The Gnome

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