The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

Scenes from the 36th Annual Festival of the Gnomes!


We gnomes tend to be technologically challenged and slow moving. Not to mention that uploading pictures with nubby little hands is really difficult.


We finally got our pictures from the December 1st Festival of the Gnomes uploaded!

We’re planning on writing an extensive review of the event for an upcoming International Gnome Club Newsletter, but in the meantime….we thought we’d share some pictures!

Sheldon and I attended the event which was hosted by Billie Limacher of the Bicentennial Park in Joliet, Illinois.

The event sold out! Ticket sales were at an all-time high and gnomes and gnome fans came from miles and miles to participate in this day of gnomish celebration.

There were tons of gnome crafts made by local artists. Check some of these out!

There was music…

There was a raffle for a handcrafted plush gnome doll. We didn’t win and we’re still pissed.

There was a magnificent musical play that was performed at 1:00 and 3:30pm that day.

Child actors, adult actors, and actual gnomes sang, danced, and acted out skits that were all relevant to our gnomish way of life.

I’ve never been to any event quite like this. It had absolutely everything a gnome could hope for. EXCEPT BOOZE. The only suggestion I have for the 37th Annual Festival next year is an ample supply of LaChouffe and Gnomegang.

Wish ya could have been there to experience the day with us….maybe next year….and maybe drunk.

Seamus The Gnome

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About Seamus

I am Séamas, but everyone just knows me as Travel Gnome Sheldon’s little brother. Ever since we were kids, I’ve always been in the shadow of his pointed hat.

No one tells me anything. I was just informed today that there is a gnome blog out there that apparently others in The Gnome Abode have been writing in for months now.

But you know what? I’ve had enough. II refuse to be ignored. Now is my time to shine. Fuck my brother. I am Séamas….hear me roaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr!

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