Elton John: A Gnome in Disguise?

Regardless of your musical tastes, you’ve got to hand it to Sir Elton John for his work in the gnome community.

eltongnome2Elton recently decorated a gnome to put on display at the Royal Horticultural Society Chelsea Flower Show later this month. This is what Elton’s gnomish creation looked like. Pretty snazzy, eh?

eltongnomeBut this isn’t the first time that Elton has crossed paths with gnomes. If you recall, he dressed up (in animated form) as Paris, the rock star gnome character in Gnomeo & Juliet. This gnomishly delicious film was produced by his very own film company, Rocket Pictures.

Elton’s sequined creation wearing over-sized glasses is up for auction at the prestigious flower show, which starts on May 21st. We’re all waiting in anticipation to see what rich bastard makes the winning bid. We’re assuming in advance that Elton Gnome is out of our budget.

elton3With this all being said, I can’t help but ask aloud the question that we all are silently suppressing. Is Elton John really just a gnome in disguise? I mean look at this guy. How can you describe him as anything BUT gnome-like?

Chew on that for awhile as your Friday afternoon ticks by.

Yours Truly,
Lennon the Gnome


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About Lennon

Make soil, not dirt. Make flowers, not weeds. Make weed, not ditch weed.

My fans always ask me how I put up with that arrogant bastard, McCartney. My answer to them is that every day is an gift to be experienced and to learn from. The more uptight he gets, the defiant I get. The more bossy he gets, the more rebellious I get. He and I have a dynamic that I’m only beginning to understand. I need to go meditate on that for a few hours.

Oh yeah and there’s the other guys too. They’re cool.

I love playing the trumpet because I feel that using my lips so much every day will make me the greatest kisser of all time. Gnomes never thought that trumpets could play reggae, but I have shown them they’re wrong.

I love you all and hope all you fans come to our first show on April 1st! I am not opposed to signing bras, boobs, and any other lady parts that might be flashed at me.

Harmony of the whales,

Lennon The Gnome

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