The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

Sneak Peak: A Visit to New York’s Gnome Chomsky

Seasons greetings!

Perhaps you read one of our articles awhile back about visiting the world’s largest concrete gnome in Ames, Iowa. Well, here at The Drunk Gnome, we like to pay our respects to first runner ups as well.


I, Rubber, got to visit the SECOND largest concrete gnome in the world!!!


Our writing team (who writes real good n’ stuff) is preparing a fancy-schmancy article to publish in the International Gnome Club newsletter. But you know what? They’re slow as shit, and I can’t wait any longer to share our pictures with you!


His name is Gnome Chomsky and he lives at Kelder’s Farms in upstate New York. He’s 13 feet and 6 inches tall, which is a hell of a lot bigger than I am.


I think those writer gnomes are gonna do a little bit on the gift shop and the mini golf course too. I express myself better in pictures, so hopefully they don’t get all pissy on me for spoiling their thunder.

Wait. Does thunder really go bad?

Blah-idy blah blah,
Rubber the photojournalist gnome

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