The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

UK Man, Ron Broomfield, has 1,700 Gnomes (But No Wife)

Rom Broomfield, now 79 years old, started collecting gnomes 50 years ago. “I was stressed and someone said get a hobby,” Ron explained. “Seven gnomes caught my eye at a garden center so I got them.”

1,700 gnomes later, Ron is still collecting. What a guy!

Photo credit: Simon Ashton via Sunday Mirror

Photo credit: Simon Ashton via Sunday Mirror

People say Ron is weird. But he says that there are much weirder things to collect out there, and that his collection makes him smile.

However, that smile hasn’t gotten him a wife. And neither has the thousands of dollars that he believes his collection to be worth. But Ron has something better than a wife…he has a HAREM.

Ron’s harem consists of five “admirers” that he has lunch with at his gnome cottage in Alford, Lincs once a week. When he’s not busy entertaining the harem, Ron takes his gnomes around in a converted shopping trolley (the gnomemobile) and dresses like a gnome himself.

Photo credit: Simon Ashton via Sunday Mirror

Photo credit: Simon Ashton via Sunday Mirror

If you are blessed enough to have UK television access, check out Ron’s feature on “Excessive and Compulsive Collectors” on December 18th at 8pm on Channel 5.

If anyone defined badass at this very moment, it’s Ron Broomfield. Can we meet you? Can we marry you?

B.S.G.S.G. the MexiGnome

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