The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

Gnome Crafts for the Holidays!


Are you wondering what to get that special someone for Hanukkah, Christmas, or Kwanzaa this year? Don’t delay…time keeps ticking away!

Why not gnome crafts! C’mon! Everyone loves gnome crafts!

Are you good at sewing? Why not create a gnome cross stitch pattern or better yet….a plush gnome doll!?

Is your special someone a sports fan? How about an athletic gnome pennant!?

Are you an expert in glass blowing? Surely, someone out there is, right? Why not create a beautiful and functional paperweight in the shape of a gnome hat?!

Are you a good cook? How ’bout whipping up a batch of gnome chocolates to satisfy your loved one’s sweet tooth?!

Are you still stumped? If so, you’re probably REALLY DUMB! But we gnomes are good natured creatures and we’ll try to help you anyway. Let us know if you need some more gift suggestions….we have millions!

Fa la la la la, la la la la
Lurleen Lumpkin, The Gnome

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