The Drunk Gnome

Just when you thought your garden was sober…

The Drunk Gnome

What is this strange creature?

We are monkeys, hooray! Last night when gnomecow and gnomeplaya came back to the cow palace, they brought over a strange orange creature. It sort of looked like Fatty, but orange. And fatter. We monkeys went to investigate, and Crazy was all over it.

After a half an hour of saying hellos and peace offerings, we found out that this orange creature doesn’t talk. Or do anything. So we contemplated eating it

But then suddenly an army of fat gnomes came out of nowhere and started worshiping the orange creature.

If anyone out there knows what this strange orange creature is, let us know! Hooray! Meanwhile Fatty and I (Nappy) are going to go on a Monkey Rescue Mission with our fancy new helmets, snowshoes and trekking poles, hooray!

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