Yes, Travelocity Gnome….We WILL “Go and Smell the Roses”


Hey Phillip Butler from Argophilia – – we gnomes have NOT gone to far. I repeat, NOT.

Smell rosesYou say you hate the Travelocity gnome? WELL, WE HATE YOU! So there. Heh.

An article was published today in this Eastern European news magazine, alleging that the Travelocity gnome is making people feel crappy about being broke.

You think the Travelocity gnome is being insensitive to people who can’t afford to see the running of the bulls in Spain? Well you’d better get your panties out of a wad and MAN UP.

Seriously people…check this out and tell me if you are really that offended – –

According to the PRNewswire release, Chief Marketing Officer for Travelocity America Bradley Wilson offered this:

“‘Go & Smell the Roses’ is more than a tagline in an advertising campaign, it’s a rally cry. With this new campaign we are using our most powerful asset, the iconic Roaming Gnome, to inspire and instigate people to get off the couch, to go and smell the roses.”

That’s right, Bradley….we’re behind you 100%. Despite his British accent, the Travelocity gnome isn’t some elitist prick. You don’t have to do expensive crap to hang out with gnomes. Gnomes like the cheap seats too. We’re tired of being misunderstood.

Fuming and flaming,
Alfredo The Gnome

Photo credit: Phil Butler and © Marion Wear –