Meet Pennifer Pennypincher: Lava Beds Adventure Extraordinaire!

And now, a brief message from your leader, King Jerry the Gnome: 

Lots of new smiling faces join The Gnome Abode from time to time, but only the cream of the crop pass the stringent screening test to write on The Drunk Gnome blog. Allow me to introduce you to Pennifer Pennypincher….take it from here P.

Hey guys! Pennifer here! I’ve traveled all the way from Portland, where I was born at a pottery shop called Mimosa Studios.
Pennifer PennipincherThese are some of my brothers and sisters…perhaps you’ve met some of them?

Shhh! Some of them aren’t yet fully clothed! Don’t censor me on my first post!

Mimosa studiosMy hometown, Mimosa (fitting for THE DRUNK GNOME, wouldn’t you say??!), is running a traveling gnome promotion right now. If you’re perusing through my city, stop in to adopt one of my brothers or sisters. You’ll get to clothe him/her however you like (kinky, eh?) and even receive an adoption certificate.

But the fun doesn’t stop there! Take your new little buddy on wild and crazy adventures, snapping photos along the way, for a chance to win unidentified prizes. My favorite kind!


My new family took me to Lava Beds National Monument in Northern California to kick off my traveling career. As you can see, I’m clutching my cash and my clutch, and I’m ready to rumble.

There’s more than just dried up lava at this place too….THERE’S CAVES!

Some gnomes prefer deep, dark caves to live in, but me? I’m a west coast girl at heart and I like my sunshine.

sunshineOne particular cave was actually called “Sunshine” because, well, sunshine sneaked down there somehow. Like a miracle!

sunlightThere was hiking and wearing hard hats and using flashlights and everything down here! My new gnome family rocks!

Pun intended.

Don’t worry, I’ll limit my punning posts.

Now that I’ve gotten to you to the edge of your seat, you can scoot back now. I may be made of pottery, but I’m no delicate flower and I see lots more adventures in my new future.


Pennifer Pennypincher the latest and greatest travel gnome



The Coolest Grandpa in All of Scotland

Whew! We’ve just gotten back from a whirlwind west coast tour with lots of gnome sightings along the way. I can barely catch my little gnome breath, but never fear! Plenty of gnomish travel reports are in the works and headed your way soon!

Just as one adventure wraps up, I’ve found another place to go….Scotland!

Photo credit: Daily Mail

Photo credit: Daily Mail

Allow me to introduce you to Robert Rae, a 64-year-old who’s spent the last eight years filling his yard with over 1,000 lawn ornaments. Take browse through the photos in this Daily Mail article to get a glimpse of all the gnomes and gnome friends who’ve taken up residence in Caol – the largest village in Scotland.

“It gives me something to do,” Rae explained. “I never thought it would end up like this when I started but the children enjoy it. There’s still room for more”


Yes, more!

Rae used to be a telephone box cleaner, but couldn’t return to work after having a heart attack. Honestly, lawn ornament decorating seems to be a much more pleasant profession.

He’s won all sorts of awards for his amazingly quirky yard, but some a**hole vandals recently broke in so he had to install surveillance. Our hearts go out to the broken gnomes.

Alright gnomies, let’s pack it up for Scotland, because this place surely deserves a visit!

Friday farewell,
Sheldon the retired, but not entirely retired, travel gnome