About Horace

I’m that gnome who always thinks the lawn is greener on the other side. Sure, I’e practically had life handed to me on a silver mushroom, but still I feel that he is missing out on something great that I should be. My destiny is not being fulfilled within the confines of this spirit that I cannot accept as my own. I recently lost 0.04 ounces since I set his New Year resolution. I’m trying to stay motivated to work out and stop being a Fatty MaGoo. Recently I’ve has taken up rock climbing. Stay tuned…

NEW CONTEST! Guess What This Artistic Masterpiece Is!


Correctly guess what my artistic masterpieces is, and you could be the lucky recipient of my next artistic masterpiece!

I’m an aspiring artist, but some gnomes say my work is pretty crappy. I tell them, if you want to see really crappy art you should check out Free Crappy Portraits because my stuff is WAY better than than anything in there.

But those gnomes don’t listen. Therefore, I’ve created a new contest! The first human or gnome to correctly guess what this mixed medium creation really is, WIN!

What do you win, you ask? My next work of art will be inspired by you, created in your true likeness, and sent to you as a gift! What could be better than that? Narcissist.

Without further ado, what is this?


A. Turkey

B. Flamingo

C. Gnome

D. Hot chick

Best of luck to you all!

Smooches and slobbers,
Horace The Gnome








It’s Game Night at The Gnome Abode!


Our new favorite game is “Find Your Way Gnome”! It’s a logic puzzle game made for gnomes at least 8 years old. Gnomes under 8 years old are kinda dumb.

We split up into teams and are racing to see who can draw lines from each gnome to its corresponding-color home.

The gnomes on the left are winning because they’ve started playing. The gnomes on the right have been too tipsy and rowdy to focus on the game.

Whipped cream flavored vodka and ginger ale drinks are flowing freely throughout The Abode.

C’mon over and join. Or pick up your own!

Game on! Drink on!
Horace The Gnome

Art Museum Theft Blamed On Gnome (and rightfully so)


Since King Jerry garnishes my wages and my gnomish government benefits don’t pay worth shit, I have to take advantage of lots of free stuff. Art is rarely free. However, admission to the Art Institute of Chicago is free on the first a second Wednesdays every month! Betcha didn’t know that, now did ya?

The thing is, only human art is shown here. Meh. Human art is weird and dumb and I don’t get it. I’ve been wanting to start a gnome art museum that features only art made by gnomes. However, starting a museum sounds expensive, and like I said….I’m broke.

I planned to visit the Art Institute for ideas and inspiration for my own museum yesterday. But instead of just visiting, I decided to steal stuff. C’mon hear me out before you judge.

Um… yeah….so I don’t really have a good defense. I just wanted some souvenirs. It was so easy too! The security guards never expect anything from a tiny, harmless gnome!

So I stole a couple things. Okay, whatever just don’t tell anyone. Okay? Cool, thanks. Now, check out what I snagged!

1. Glass paperweight that kinda looks like a bong. This could come in handy. Party at my place Friday night?

2. A crap ton of other paperweights. WHY? Where do these collectors live that is so windy that they need this many paperweights to keep their documents from blowing away? Why aren’t humans ‘going paperless’ anyway!?

3. A casket from Spain! It’s made of silver and oak and ya know, none of us live forever, right?! Let this post hereby serve as notice that I shall be buried in this fancy little casket when it is time for me to pass into the gnomish afterlife.

4. Creepy painting with a bunch of fat babies armed with weapons. It creeped me out so much that I couldn’t look away and I just had to have it. This painting has inspired me to recreate this scene with gnome heads put in the place of creepy baby heads. I think it’s gonna be great!

Like I said, don’t tell anyone, alright? Writing a blog post doesn’t count as incriminating evidence, does it? The Abode really needs to hire a gnome lawyer.

Yours in thievery,
Horace The Gnome


How do we keep our hats so pointy?


Yep, we get that question all the time. Humans seem to think that our hats come to a natural point with no effort whatsoever.

Ha! Wouldn’t that just be delightful!

Just like you, we have to primp and prep before we leave the house. Not only do we have to iron our shirts, comb our beards, and wash our hands….we also have to sharpen our hats!

Check me out here sharpening my otherwise naturally dull green hat.

Hat sharpeners come in all shapes and sizes, for all shapes and sizes of gnomes! Check out Richard Simmons Jr. sharpening his tiny red hat.

And here’s Ceasar with his sharpener…ready for another grueling day in the office.

I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Hey Horace! Whatsup?! Aren’t those just pencil sharpeners?”



What stupid thoughts you have.

Here’s some weird gnome from Seattle who submitted a photo of himself with his sharpener to be featured in this article. Apparently, gnomes halfway across the country use the same kind of green sharpeners that we do!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this little insight into our world of sharp hats this evening.

Farethewell silly humans,
Horace The Gnome

Biohazzard Elephants in Australia: Debut Masterpiece by Horace The Gnome

Perhaps rock climbing isn’t my destiny after all. As you may have heard, I wasn’t invited to last month’s trip to Yosemite. Lately, I’ve heard rumors of an upcoming canyoneering trip to Zion National Park in Utah. I bet I’m not going to be invited to that either. I can totally onsite a 5.1, so I don’t know why the others don’t think I’m skilled enough to join.

I’ve been hanging out with Phillip more lately. Okay say what you will, but he’s an alright guy. So what if he’s completely sober and the rest of us are alcoholics? So what if he works a 9-5 accounting job while the rest of us wear blue collars and dig holes in the backyard of the Gnome Abode. He’s been a great encouragement to me lately and trying to get me into other shit.

He tried to get me to read a book. That was lame. But he bribed me with wine, so I spaced out at the page and pretended to play along until I was buzzed enough to pass out and postpone my woes until the next day.

We decided to take some art classes together. This week was “colored pencil drawing class”. The upcoming classes are all about making sculptures, pottery, and painting. I feel like the crappiest artist ever, but Phillip says I have promise. In fact, he says I have a really good shot at landing a position at the super prestigious corporation, Free Crappy Portratis Inc., www.freecrappyportraits.com. 

So here’s my first work of art. Phillip says I should start contacting galleries because this scene encompasses a true form of originality that has been forgotten in modern artistic society.

So tell me straight up. What would you pay for this masterpiece? I need to know what to set as my low ball pitch when I go in tomorrow afternoon to the Chicago Art Institute.