Spend your Friday Night at Gnomecino Casino!

That slutty little gnome girl I picked up at the pool seems to be working out okay after all. I put her in charge of running the diner at my casino and business has been booming lately!

I have noticed that all the diner patrons are horny old men though. Now I don’t have a problem with that AT ALL because that’s the type of clientele that makes Gnomecino Casino some serious cash. Roxy made a couple complaints (which is strictly forbidden in the contract she signed, but I let this one slide) that the diners wouldn’t stop grabbing her boobs.

I tell her….Roxy! Cover ’em up and they won’t get grabbed. She tells me….Humps! If I cover them up we’ll go out of business!

Point Roxy.

So I hired a bodyguard for her. This badass gnome is from Austin, Texas and rides a duck around. Rumor has it that his duck has trampled gnomes three times his size. Those webbed feet are MAGIC.

He had some weird cowboy name that was stupid so I’m in the process of re-naming him.

If you’re planning to stop by the casino tonight, be sure to check out our live show on the main stage. I don’t know who these fools are, but apparently some gangbanger who goes by “Lil’ Dimwit” is rapping along side some random ass band called “Amish Meth Lab”. I have no idea what to expect.

I’m sure no one else has heard of them either so come by and fill a seat whydontcha. I’ll throw in a free watered down margarita to the first 5 gnomes who show up.

Later bitches,

Humps the Gnome

Gnomes Getting Restraining Orders Against Other Gnomes

Of course I’ve had my share of stalkers in my day. I mean how could it really be avoided? I’m a gorgeous, brilliant, rare, and irresistible gnome lady. The “stalking” usually never amounted to more than showering me with gifts and excessive late night texts begging for me to come over. Those things I can handle.

Know what I can’t handle? That little bastard who goes by the weird name, The Book of Genesis. That’s why I had to file a restraining order against him today.

It all started when “The Book” and I met at a wedding I was bridesmaiding in a few weeks ago. I was pissed at Jerry and flirting with The Book to try to make him jealous. Jerry was too wasted to even notice so it all turned out to be pointless. I guess The Book got the wrong idea, because he fell completely head over heels for me. I can’t really blame him, but he took things just a bit too far.

His level of stalking went far beyond what I would consider, like Facebook stalking. Hell! Everyone does that!

His texts began once an hour. Then once a minute. His phone calls began began exactly in between the once-a-minute texts. His emails were no less than 5,000 words each and professed his willingness to do whatever it took to make me his. I kept seeing the top of a pointy hat outside my bedroom window periodically throughout my day. Somehow he managed to hide before I was ever able to catch him. I swear I wasn’t hallucinating. I think I’ve been off hallucinogens for a couple days now!

Then yesterday, I found this creepy check list in the grass outside my bedroom window.

I started to panic. I frantically ran around The Abode, locking all of the windows and doors. Then I realized that he’s an Abode resident so he has his own set of keys. Shit.

With trembling fingers, I rummaged through my purse to call the police and file a report. You’ll never believe what I found. I was appalled to find that he had written a message in HIS OWN BLOOD on the back of my g-Phone case! OMG.

I ran to the kitchen to use the house phone and after an excessive hold time, I finally reached the Stalking Department of the GPD. According to a paper I signed and paid a pretty penny for, The Book is not allowed to come with 500 feet of me. However, I just realized that he never signed the restraining order and likely doesn’t even know that a restraining order exists.

The legal system is whack. I think I’ll just make Jerry kick his ass.

Your Future Queen,

Tabitha The Gnome

Roxy hits Vegas! (And who the hell is this gnome named “Humps”?)

So I’ve been riding around with this gansta thug straight out of rehab named Lil’ Dimwit for awhile now. There are times when a girl’s just gotta lower her standards down a notch or two. He says he’s this famous gnome rapper, but I’m not so sure. He mumbles with a mouth full of marbles even when he talks, so I can’t imagine how that marble mouth would rap.

Anyway, he has become totally obsessed with me. He thinks I’m his soul mate just because I let him touch my boob a couple times as a “thank you” for letting me hitch along. I did a tarot card reading for him and it turned out pretty positive, so I tried to convince myself that I wasn’t making a horrible mistake. Tarot readings aren’t completely fool proof. I’m also getting really freaked out about all the times he’s had to swerve to avoid oncoming traffic because he’s too distracted  feeling me upin the passenger. Okay, so I am just wearing my seat belt and nothing else so I can work on my tan in the convertible. But still! I don’t understand why he can’t keep his eyes on the road!

I keep having more and more doubts about this arrangement and my safety. And I saw a sign this morning that we were less than an hour from Vegas. I’ve always wanted to see Vegas.

Today I drew my daily tarot card and this is what I got…THE DEATH CARD.

The Death Card doesn’t mean physical death. It’s all about transition, transformation, rebirth, and permanent change. It symbolizes a sweeping away of the old to make way for the new. With this in mind, I knew I needed to leave Lil’ Dimwit behind and try my hand at Vegas.

Lil’ stopped to fuel up just outside the city limits. I excused myself to the ladies room. And I never saw that groping bastard again.

It was still daytime so I couldn’t see the bright lights of the Vegas strip yet. But one landmark stood out above the rest….The Stratosphere.

I hitched my way to The Stratosphere and found my way to the pool to continue on with my sunbathing. There was just enough room under the pool gate for a gnome to sneak under without having resort reservations. Whew. After all, those seat belt straps made some nasty tan lines on the ride. Oddly enough, I ran into Sheldon at the pool. That kid is absolutely everywhere! I can’t believe how much he gets around!

No more than five minutes of sunning myself passed before this big poppa gnome strutted by my lounge chair and asked if the most beautiful gnome at the pool would prefer a piña colada or a strawberry daiquiri. “One of each, if you really wanna impress me,” I replied.

Smiling to myself at my effortless luck with hot men gnomes, I pretended to read a magazine and waited for my two drinks to arrive. Moments later, here he was with an entire tray of drinks as well as jello shots. Saaaa-weeeet!

My new favorite dude introduced himself as Hubert H. Humperdinker and gave me the Cliff’s Notes of his life story. Apparently he used to be a prison guard and some criminal arrested for illegal gnome trafficking escaped from the jail cell he was in charge of. However, instead of doing his job, he hired a hooker and was having his way with her in another cell across the hall. I guess the convict is still on the loose and Hubert was quickly out of the job.

He said I could call him “Humps” and I snapped this quick pic of him with my g-Phone.

He seems totally paranoid and suspicious of everyone, so he carries around a poisonous frog for protection. I think the frog’s kinda cute though, so I don’t mind. He also seems to have some sort of neck condition because his head bobs around a lot. It seems like one of those “don’t ask, don’t tell” kinda things for someone you just met.

Anyway, I’m going to continue slamming these jello shots with Humps and see where the day/evening/tomorrow takes us. Thank you, Death Card. The transition has happened, let the transformation begin!

Slippery, slutty, & slightly sunburned,

Roxy The Gnome

Some Hitchhiker Ho, Judgment, and the 7 of Cups

So I finally got out of rehab this morning. My manager sent me out to some shithole town in Wyoming to get clean. Said L.A. was my downward spiral or some shit. I’m 2 months, 17 days, 4 hours, and 33 minutes….oh wait 34 minutes….sober. For realz yo.

The bank finally let me get to my money and I picked up a new ride so I could get the hell outta Wyoming. Whaddya think?

I gotta get back to L.A. and start recording again. There ain’t any other gnome rappers out there that are worth shit these days. My fans are gonna be pissed otherwise. I got so many rhymes to spit out and they’re all floatin’ around my head. It’s whack. Gotta get ’em out!

So I’m driving along and this little gnome hottie is struttin’ by with her thumb sticking out. Naturally, I’m here to help the hotties so I pulled over. She said her name was Roxy. When I asked her where she was headed, she said “anywhere but here”.

When I told her I was headed to L.A., she nearly shit herself. Apparently she’s wanting to make it big in the music industry or something. Dunno how she planned to do that walking around the highway in Wyoming.

Anyway, I let her in my sweet ride. I suppose I can always use a hot new gnome backup dancer or two. But before getting in, she insisted on doing a tarot card reading to make sure it was safe.

I guess she’s into some weird voodoo stuff. Maybe she’s just spiritual. I might need a spiritual bitch to keep me off the crack anyway, so I played along.

She pulled these two cards….the Judgement Card and the Seven of Cups.

She held my palm and told me that she could feel my soul. Meanwhile, I felt her boob. She said that the Judgement Card came up for me because it symbolizes moving on from the past and letting go of the sins we’ve committed. She said the Seven of Cups “daydream” card came up for me because it symbolizes keeping creativity and self-indulgence in check to so that it doesn’t run wild and prevent goals from being achieved.

That’s some serious shit yo. I felt a tear. I felt her boob again. This Loxy, or whatever her name is, must be my soul mate. No one gets me like that, not even my boys. And that’s the straight truth.

See ya Wyoming….L.A. here we come!

Lil’ Dimwit The Rapper Gnome



Gnome Scandal Revealed! Gnome Promiscuity Investigated!

Good afternoon, my minions.

One of our Gnome Scouts, “Hurricane”, snapped this candid photo of two gnomes making out on a balcony. A PUBLIC balcony! Right in plain sight! Have they no shame?

A true lady would never be caught in such a promiscuous and disgraceful position. It is times like this that I must quote the lyrical genius, Ludacris.

“We want a lady in the street but a freak in the bed.” ~ Ludacris



As the high class lady that I was raised to be, I am truly appalled at the direction in which our gnomish culture is turning. I’ve been researching promiscuity since 7am to see how I can help to put a stop to this epidemic. One thing I am sure about….I’m never going to Finland! They are rated the #1 promiscuous country! But then again, what is there really else to do in Finland. The United States, where The Gnome Abode is, comes in at #22. Well at least in 2000. Perhaps the figures were skewed back then due to the impending doom of Y2K.

Since apparently Roxy has gone on some equally appalling hitchhiking mission, I am the only woman left here. I need to set an example of morality to this lawless gnome community so that they look up to me as a figure of purity when I get King Jerry to make me his wife.

How’s that going, you ask? Eh I don’t know. He booty-called me at 3am completely SMASHED after a night out with the boys. Yes, I let him come over. No, I’m not a hypocrite!

Okay, back to my promiscuity research. I had to take a break and blog a bit because I was getting too turned on. You wouldn’t believe what they put on websites these days!

Oooo ahhh,

Tabitha The Gnome